How To Spot a Damaged Tree on Your Panama City, FL Property

Tree damage, referring to any physical harm inflicted upon a tree, can impact a tree’s overall health significantly.   

While people often use the terms tree damage and tree diseases interchangeably, the latter refers to a situation where a tree becomes unhealthy because of an ailment, while the former can make a tree more susceptible to disease.  

As the company of choice for anyone looking for a certified arborist in Panama City, FL, Tri-State Tree Service highlights how to spot the different types of damaged trees.  

Mechanical/Physical Damage  

This type of damage usually occurs when adverse weather conditions, such as rainstorms or strong winds, result in broken branches and torn bark. Mechanical damage may result from human error, such as knocking against a tree with a lawn mower or improper tree pruning or topping.  

Pest Damage  

Pests can cause both internal and external tree damage. Symptoms typically depend on the type of pest, from holes in the bark and cottony white masses to chewed foliage and white spots.

Root Damage  

Root damage may occur after poor planting techniques. For example, failing to remove the wrapping or potting material before planting or placing a tree in too small a hole may prevent the tree from developing a healthy root system.  

Animal Damage   

Animals such as beavers, squirrels, deer, and bears may scratch or strip bark from trees, leading to significant tree damage and an overall decline in tree health. Once you notice you have a damaged tree, try to address the issue sooner rather than later.  

Chemical Damage  

This type of damage occurs when harmful chemicals or products come into contact with your tree or soil and harm the plant. Common examples of chemical damage include salt damage or run-off from harsh pesticides.  

Disease Damage  

When a tree succumbs to a fungal, bacterial, or other infection, it may suffer both internal and external damage. For example, leaf spot diseases can interrupt a tree’s photosynthesis process, weaken the tree, and ultimately cause leaf loss.  

Early Detection and Prevention  

If you suspect an issue with your tree, contact a professional arborist to diagnose the issue and recommend a sustainable solution. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the ability to detect symptoms of tree damage and insect infestations or disease early helps to save trees from severe damage.    

Fortunately, you can remedy most symptoms of a damaged tree with professional tree and shrub care. In fact, a preventive tree care program can prevent a lot of damaged tree concerns before they happen. 

Trust Your Local Tree Experts  

When you need a tree care company certified by the International Society of Arboriculture, count on Tri-State Tree Service. Our competent professionals offer premier tree care solutions, including:  

  • Tree removal  
  • Tree trimming  
  • Land clearing  
  • Plant health care  

Has a tree damaged your building or power line? We can help with that, too.  

Call Tri-State Tree Service at (850) 876-8003 to request a free estimate for tree topping or any other tree services in Pensacola, Florida, or nearby. Reach out to learn how to treat leaf scars, ask about broken branches repair and torn bark repair, or for more information on how to spot a damaged tree.


Tri-State Tree Service is an award-winning business supplying premier tree removal, tree trimming, and other tree care services to Florida’s northwest & Alabama's southeast coastal regions.

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Tri-State Tree Service
6146 Mobile Hwy.
Pensacola, FL 32526

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